Marcellus Shale Play
By: Dr. Olga Popova, U.S. Energy Information Administration (January 2017)

This article presents the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) recent efforts to enhance and update the geologic data concerning major tight oil and shale gas plays within the continental U.S., specifically focusing on the Marcellus play in the Appalachian basin. Since the release of the 2011 Marcellus shale play map, several geologic features have been updated. These include details about the formation's elevation, thickness, historical geographical elements, and major tectonic structures. In addition, the updated map provides details about well locations, the initial yields of wells operating between 2000 and 2016, and the oil-to-gas ratios. The data, organized into multiple layers, offers both separate thematic maps and interactive layers within the U.S. Energy Mapping System. Information has been gathered from various sources, including commercial databases like DrillingInfo Inc., state geological surveys, and academic research. As the EIA seeks to broaden its data access, further enhancements to the map will incorporate additional geologic data as they become available.