Review on Pore-Scale Physics of Shale Gas Recovery Dynamics: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
By: Hongwei Zhang, Do Yoon Moh, Xin Wang, Rui Qiao (November 24, 2022)

Shale gas recovery has emerged as a vital component in the energy sector, and understanding the intricacies of this process is crucial for optimization. One characteristic that sets shales apart from conventional reservoirs is the predominance of nanoscale pores, which impact gas storage and transport differently due to the confined environment and interactions between the fluid and the pore walls. Traditional recovery models, however, often neglect these nuances.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations offer a solution to this oversight, providing insights into the microscopic behavior of molecules in these nanoscale pores. In our review, we delve into the various approaches to MD modeling, specifically focusing on the methodologies designed to study gas recovery at the pore scale. Gas recovery scenarios, from single-component gas recovery to the more complex multi-component and multiphase flows, are examined. Key studies that not only shed light on novel pore-scale phenomena but also assist in the development and validation of new continuum models at this scale are underscored. Concluding our review, we emphasize recommended methodologies for MD studies in shale gas and highlight potential research avenues that can push the frontier of our understanding.